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Demineralized Bone Matrix - Gel / Putty

SurFuse Demineralized cortical bone matrix without liquid or mineral components, enhanced convenience of use by Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) Carrier, a natural, plant derived, carrier for superior and easy handling. SurFuse helps to stimulate mesenchymal cell proliferation and promote new healthy bone formation.

  • High DBM contents
  • No need for rehydration
  • Osteoinduction
  • Changes into any sizes and forms freely
  • Excellent Biocompatibility
  • Easy use with high viscosity


Product features


Clinical applications

-Bony void filler of the extremities and pelvis to prevent fractures
-Bone graft extender(extremities, spine, pelvis) with autograft or allograft
-Surgically created osseous defects or created from traumatic injury to the bone
-Improved healing of fracture and nonunions